Please read the detailed directions below (which include landmark photos).
DO NOT RELY ON GPS, it will take you on the wrong route.
Low Profile Tyres & Vehicles NOT recommended for the 13km gravel road.
Travel along the N4 past Witbank and Middleburg towards Emakhazeni (Belfast)/ Machadodorp & Nelspruit (Mbombela).
Turn LEFT off the highway at the R33 turnoff to Emakhazeni (Belfast)/ Dullstroom/ Carolina.
Look out for the Large Engen Garage on the N4.
Turn left to Dullstroom/Belfast (Emakhazeni).
Travel through Belfast on the R33 (Bhekumuzi Masango Drive) and then turn right onto Steven Masango Drive (R540). Everest Funerals on your left, Viva Garage in front right. You will see our direction board across the road in front of you.
Keep driving straight on the R540 and go past Winnaarspoort, Groenvlei and Elandsfontein turnoffs.
Your GPS will tell you to take Elandsfontein, DO NOT take Elandsfontein if you don’t have a 4×4 and cannot manage extremely muddy conditions during rainy season.
Standard vehicles, continue straight on the R540 for about 16km after Elandsfontein.
You will see a large Greystone Lodge sign.
Turn RIGHT here.
This is the Machadodorp Road.
The road is gravel and has sometimes has corrugation, so please drive carefully. Recommended speed 40km/h.
Please keep to your left around corners.
Keep straight on this gravel road for about 12km.
You will come to an intersection and will see a sign for Greystone Lodge in front of you.
Turn left here and travel for 1.5km to the entrance gate.
Our gate is on the right hand side.
Please call us if you have any trouble on the gravel road – 072 149 8261
Travel along the N4 past Witbank and Middleburg towards Emakhazeni (Belfast)/Machadodorp & Nelspruit (Mbombela).
Turn LEFT off the highway at the R33 turnoff to Emakhazeni (Belfast)/ Dullstroom/ Carolina.
Large Engen Garage on N4.
Turn left to Dullstroom/Belfast (Emakhazeni).
Travel through Belfast on the R33 (Bhekumuzi Masango Drive) and then turn right onto Steven Masango Drive (R540). Everest Funerals on your left, Viva Garage in front right. You will see our direction board across the road in front of you.
Keep driving past Winnaarspoort and Groenvlei turnoffs.
Next turnoff to the right is Elandsfontein Road.
This road is strictly for high clearance/4×4 vehicles.
Turn right here only if you have a high clearance vehicle and can manage extremely muddy conditions in summer.
Continue straight on the gravel road for 12km. You will come to a stop sign and you will see our signboard in front of you.
Cross straight over and in 1,5 km you will find our gate on your right hand side.
Please call us if you have any trouble on the gravel road – 072 149 8261
Travel on the N4 and then hop off onto the R36 via Schoemanskloof towards Machadodorp.
Pass Machadodorp and head towards Belfast (Emakhazeni).
Look out for the Large Engen Garage on the N4.
Take the R33 turnoff to Belfast, Carolina, Dullstroom at the Engen Garage. Turn towards Dullstroom & Emakhazeni (Belfast).
Travel through Belfast on the R33 (Bhekumuzi Masango Drive) and then turn right onto Steven Masango Drive (R540). Everest Funerals on your left, Viva Garage in front right. You will see our direction board across the road in front of you.
Keep driving straight on the R540 and go past Winnaarspoort, Groenvlei and Elandsfontein turnoffs.
Your GPS will tell you to take Elandsfontein, DO NOT take Elandsfontein if you don’t have a 4×4 and cannot manage extremely muddy conditions during rainy season.
Standard vehicles, continue straight on the R540 for about 16km after Elandsfontein.
You will see a large Greystone Lodge sign.
Turn RIGHT here.
This is the Machadodorp Road.
The road is gravel and has sometimes has corrugation, so please drive carefully. Recommended speed 40km/h.
Please keep to your left around corners.
Keep straight on this gravel road for about 12km.
You will come to an intersection and will see a sign for Greystone Lodge in front of you.
Turn left here and travel for 1.5km to the entrance gate.
Our gate is on the right hand side.
Please call us if you have any trouble on the gravel road – 072 149 8261
Travel on the N4 and travel via Schoemanskloof towards Machadodorp.
Pass by Bambi and then continue to Kingfisher Trout Lodge. Travel for about another 4km.
Take Goedewil turn to the right.
Follow the road for 200m then turn left to Machadostud & Hoyohoyo.
Carry on straight for about 16km to Greystone Lodge.
We are on your left.
Please note this is only a 4×4 route.
Please see alternative routes to Greystone Lodge for standard clearance vehicles.
Please call us if you have any trouble on the gravel road – 072 149 8261
Travel on the N4 and travel via Schoemanskloof towards Machadodorp.
Pass by Bambi and Kingfisher Trout Lodge, continue straight on, go through the N4 overpass tunnel towards Machadodorp.
As you head up the hill, get into your right hand lane and prepare to turn right at Farrefontein offramp. (This is where the truck weighbridge is located). If you get to the Machado Toll Gate you have gone too far.
Once you have turned right continue straight on for some time until you come to a large intersection. Fancy Free on your left and Trout & About in front of you. This intersection jumps out at you, so drive carefully.
Turn right here and continue up the hill for a long while (pass Little Troutbeck) until you come to an intersection. Turn right to Greystone Lodge (you should see our sign board on your right).
We are 1.3km down the road on your right.
Please note this is only a high clearance vehicle route.
Please see alternative routes to Greystone Lodge for standard clearance vehicles.
Please call us if you have any trouble on the gravel road – 072 149 8261
Travel from Lydenburg on the R540 towards Dullstroom.
Please be very careful, this road is full of potholes.
You will eventually pass Walkersons on your left. Keep on going.
Once you arrive in Dullstroom, travel through the town on the R540 and keep straight on.
Once you exit Dullstroom, the first turnoff is Kruisfontein Road by the Bird of Prey Centre. Do not turn here, Keep on going.
Just before the next turn off you will see a large Eskom Substation on your left.
Turn left here. This is the Machadodorp Road.
The road is gravel and has corrugation, so please drive carefully. Recommended speed 40km/h.
Please keep to your left around corners.
Keep straight on this gravel road for about 12km.
You will come to an intersection and will see a sign for Greystone Lodge in front of you.
Turn left here and travel for 1.5km to the entrance gate.
Our gate is on the right hand side.
We know directions can sometimes be confusing so please feel free to call us if you feel you are lost, or to just make sure of the road conditions etc.